a dream

"Don't be afraid", the voice whispered in my ear.  She was so close, I could feel the vibrations from her voice in my eardrum.  As I looked up into the sky, my body began to feel as light as a feather.  I could see the sky getting dimmer by the second.  "You're dying, but don't be frightened", the voice said.  My heart began to beat fast, and I felt afraid.  however, I felt no pain, and couldn't believe I would no longer exist in this world.  This is really happening, I thought to myself.  Before the sky went completely dark, I saw the most gigantic wings spreaded out of nowhere.  Hovering, then swooping towards me.  They were grey, yeah, a transparent grey color that seemed to cover the whole sky.  and coming right towards me.  I felt an inner chill and was so scared.  For so long, I thought I had prepared myself for death but nothing can prepare you for it.  "Don't be afraid" the voice said once again.  She bent over me and indented my forehead with a kiss.

 photography by me.

Dreamt: 8.2.10

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