A sweet place I visited

I received a rare call from my sister who asked me to go out with her.  After much hesitation, I obliged.  Then, as things normally happen with us, there was a breakdown in communication and plans were cancelled.  But it was such a beautiful night with a refreshing breeze, and I wanted to enjoy it.  I was  in the mood for something sweet as usual.  It was 10:30pm, so I googled dessert bars near me.  This came up, and so we went, me and my best friends (Macie & Zab).  We rode with the windows down and played feel good music.  #1, there was no other patrons inside, which is always a plus for me. #2 the decor was so stinking cute. Christmas lights hung from the ceiling, everything was so bright and cheerful, the neon sign on the wall, loved it.  #3 so many options ~ from donuts, to ice cream, to cookies, to cake.  I chose ice cream, Black Velvet, to be exact.    It had a drizzle of caramel and crushed pecans.  Delicious. 
If they would have had a patio, I would have let the dogs sit with me while I ate - but since they didn't we began to enjoy the ride back home with the windows down as I devoured my ice cream. 
Nights like this... 


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