
I'm on a rollercoaster ride that I can't seem to get off.  When I shout at the conductor to make it stop, he makes it go even faster with more twists & turns than the ride before.  There's one part of the ride that I enjoy though.  It's the highest point of the ride where the track becomes straight & oh so smooth.  It slows and I coast.  Each time it gets to this point, my muscles immediately relax.  I lean my head back with outstretched arms and enjoy the breeze, the beautiful blue sky, lazy clouds, and the warmth of the sun against my skin.  It's sooo peaceful up here.  I thank God for this moment of joy before it's time for me to take the big plunge again, and there I go -- back to complete torture.

This is/has been my life.

It's time for me to get off this ride because the twists & turns lasts longer than ever, and the anticipated moments of joy are almost nonexistent.

written on 4/29/12

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