Drunk Chronicles

You can't change the past, but you can accept it, learn from it, and move the f**k on.  Don't dwell on it too much when you make a mistake.

I never have liked drinking.  NEVER.  But I do it in social settings, sometimes it's the only way I can cope with being around people - Most times, I limit myself to 2 drinks max - but there are times when I get so wrapped up in the moment that I throw all caution to the wind and the next thing I realize is that I've passed the point of no return.  Going past the point of no return means my body begins to literally reject the alcohol.  It includes waves of nausea, vomiting, unable to walk, an out of body experience (if you will).  This is what happened to me on Friday at my work Christmas party function. Yep, let me restate.  My. Work. Xmas Party. Function - which means I got wasted around co-workers and this will be the talk of the office for the upcoming days/weeks/probably months.
Now I have two options.  I could walk in the office with my head down, embarrassed and ashamed and try to make matters right by apologizing profusely to each person that was there, and convince them that that wasn't me OR I could walk in there with my head held high and act as if absolutely nothing happened.  When I feel the stares and whispers, I could smile and stay in my joy.  Be at peace because I KNOW WHO I AM AND I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE MYSELF TO ANYONE.

I choose to do the latter.  It's going to be a great Monday :)

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