if you are lukewarm on absolutely everyone you meet, then either your demographics are way off, or you suffer from a lack of vulnerability and are protecting yourself by remaining indifferent or unenthused by all of those around you.
Remember, it's your job to look for something cool in everyone you meet; it's not their job to show you. This is life, not a sales convention. Learning to appreciate people you meet is a skill you cultivate, so get on with it. This doesn't mean you have to fall in love with everyone who breathes in your direction. It just means you need to take responsibility for your ability to connect with people you are meeting.
Remember, it's your job to look for something cool in everyone you meet; it's not their job to show you. This is life, not a sales convention. Learning to appreciate people you meet is a skill you cultivate, so get on with it. This doesn't mean you have to fall in love with everyone who breathes in your direction. It just means you need to take responsibility for your ability to connect with people you are meeting.