Jan 1 - Jan 15 2021
What I'm about to write will NOT make sense to you, but it will to me. It is a reminder of how the first 2 weeks of 2021 has been so far.
- Dodged a bullet with Jane
- Mechanical issues with van
- Tennis lastnight was not fun, and it felt horrible playing with the new racket I bought
- We always get Thai afterwards
- Lori, SMH
- Dog sitting a dog that weighs almost the same as me is a challenge when walking them
- Obsessed with van life videos, and watch them daily
- Ate a full jar of Biscoff cookie butter in bed while watching YT
- Macie and Zab my best friends
- Weight gain, body changes
- Still hard to say no to food
- Considering not eating eggs anymore (even in baked goods)
- Therapy was interesting today, and I still don't know how I feel about it
- Anxious for warmer weather so I can start running again
- Nervous and anxious for March to get here
- Still no plans after lease is up
- Meeting up with xxx for dinner tonight?
- Trying to keep God at the forefront
- I'm obsessed with my 2021 calendar, even though I felt the same about my 2020 calendar and dropped the ball with writing in it
- Spending way too much money
- Refuse to get comfortable/content with office work
- Making plans for creating something for myself, baby steps
- Was supposed to read 1 book a month...
- I really enjoy the quiet and stillness of the world when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep
- No moonlight through my window lately. I miss it
- Her bday party was a success which ended with her son getting wasted and carried out of venue, SMH
- Hype Solutions on Ervay (what an interesting interview and office) It reminded me of one of those fake startup companies. There were even a couple of small dogs roaming around the office. Felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone
- Movie night : The Shack, it was not good, and I ended up dozing off a couple of times. I was so glad when it was over. The Spanish guy was very interesting