go beyond your comfort zone

I did that tonight.  At the VERY last minute, I decided to attend a support group.  I got off work and began to feel the beginning stages of going down that ever-so-familiar rabbit hole, and instead of allowing it to fester and grow into this emotional and mental torture, I jumped up - dressed in 5 minutes - and hit the road.  I made it just in time. Being around and listening to people who know exactly what you're going through is comforting.  When it was my turn to speak, I chose to pass lol, but just by being there was a baby step in the right direction (hopefully). Maybe next time I will say something.  Each one of them had a story they seemed more than willing to share.  One guy had me cracking up (inside of course).  He said he was going to a doctor (nicknamed Dr Feelgood) who's the kind of doctor that will prescribe you any kind of medicine you want.  He said this "dr" has now disappeared (probably being investigated by FBI), so he's been going through withdrawals from the medicine he was on.  There were other stories that made my heart break, but we share similar pain.

Anyway, knowing that I'm really not alone with (whatever this is), makes me feel like a human being and not an alien.

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