
Friends first, until we weren't.  After a year, I tried to end things because you deserve something I can't give you.  But you didn't want to let go, and it's difficult to give up on someone who doesn't give up on me.  So we fought the battles and storms.  5 years later, the chapter is closing for good.  Another deep crack in my heart, causing it to shatter.  It's now in pieces, and it's going to take some time to put the pieces together again.  Hoping I have the strength to do so.  I feel like giving up, every single day.  I pray to god to take the pain away and take me out of this life.  I'm a shell of a person.  I don't feel good in all ways.  There's something inside that has broken and I really don't know if I'm strong enough this time to fix it.  Most days I just want to sleep or distract myself from my thoughts and memories.  I just want to sleep, and not wake up.  The dark abyss to wrap its arms around and let me go into oblivion.  


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