R O I ~ Return on Investment

Fellow collectors:

ROI is usually thought of in business and/or economic terms, conveying what one derives from an investment.

I would like to consider it, instead, about the pleasure one enjoys in personal and not financial reward. The act of doing something just for the joy of giving or doing is a pure and simple concept.

Ownership of many things brings with it responsibility, maintenance, use, insurance, etc. A good deed is not measured in dollars but on the gift it represents to the recipient, as well as the provider. It says so much about you and your thoughtfulness. It could also simply be something you do for yourself.

Take good care of deserve it !

Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.

Dalai Lama

Friendship is arguably the most wholly voluntary relationship. It reflects a mutual decision to keep pasting something back together, no matter how far it gets pulled apart, even when there is no obligatory reason, no justice-of-the-peace vow or chromosomal tie.

Sally Jenkins

Build your life around what you love.

Maureen Dowd

If you are so afraid of failure, you will never succeed. You have to take chances.

Mario Andretti

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.

Henry Ford

I am a big believer in the "mirror test". All that matters is if you can look in the mirror and honesty tell the person you see there that you've done your best.

John McKay

Please continue to be careful, diligent and take good care of those you love.


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